This may be a shock to most people who know me and how much of a nerd I am, but I do not want to go the Comic Con International in San Diego, CA (also referred to as San Diego Comic Con or simply Comic Con). I mean, I co-host a podcast called Too Nerdy For TV, I have built my own lightsabre, and I have a Superman and Transformers tattoo. Comic Con should be right up my alley. Honestly I am not really interested in going. If you are past the shock of my opening statement, I will continue on and explain my position.
Reason 1: Too Many People... That might make me sound like an old man, but 130,000 is just too many people for me. My recent trip to the Dallas Comic Con and the overcrowding there was enough. Swimming through a sea of people is just not on my agenda.
Reason 2: The Average Person Doesn't See Anything... Think about it: you are on person amongst thousands of others, all trying to do the same thing. If you want to get in to Hall H (that is the big room with the major announcements and panels) you have to devote you day to just that and you get to see/do nothing else. 5% of the total attendance gets in to Hall H, that includes press and celebs who get priority I don't like those odds.
Reason 3: I Can't Afford It... This is a practical reason. Honestly, if I could somehow afford to go, I would not be able to do much else. I can't afford any of the "con-exclusive" collectables. I can't afford autographs (I don't even get autographs at local shows anymore). If I want anything that is "con-exclusive" I can find it on ebay and most likely save a little money. Yes it will be an inflated price from the what the sticker was at the show, but add in having to get to San Diego, stay in a hotel, and go to the show ti is cheaper.
Reason 4: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube Bring The Event To Me... Anything major that happens will be all over Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Many of the major panels get posted on YouTube and all the comic and media press report on the announcements anyway. The only thing I feel like I am missing out on is the video presentations but refer to Reason 2 as to why I would most likely not see them anyway.
Reason 5: I Do Not Want To Spend That Much Money Standing In Line... When you go to a convention, really any convention, you must make to choice to either enjoy the show or stand in line. Dallas Comic Con was like this. I enjoy cons because I enjoy the floor. I like to displays and the collectables and and the cosplay (that is people in costume if you did't know). I would LOVE to be at Comic Con and see the booths and the merchandise and the awesome costumes. To me it is not worth the money just to do that. If you want to go to panels, get autographs, etc. you are going to stand in line. Sometimes you will stand in line for a chance to stand in another line. If I am going to a show like this.
Reason 6: Comic Con Has Lost Its Way... This is the part that makes me somewhat of a nerd bigot. The convention is called Comic Con International. It has become less about comics and more about pop culture. I get that and I'm ok with that. What the hell is Twilight doing at Comic Con? What the hell is Glee doing at Comic Con? Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Merlin, etc. are all genre shows. Breaking Bad? Mad Men? Seriously? Fifty Shades of Grey will most likely be there next year and that makes me sad. Make the show about pop culture but make it about OUR pop culture and keep the posers out. Comic Con is for the ones that live it, not the hipsters that put on a store-bought costume and play dress up for a few days and then go back to "normal" on Monday. Or the ones who wear pop culture t-shirts ironically. It feels like comic con has sold out to the big money studios and I'd rather attend small, local cons that are still about the people.
In closing, I would like to say that if someone offered me an all expense trip to Comic Con next year, I would consider it. However, I would have to think long and hard about it because I just don't think that is for me anymore. Maybe Comic Con is on my Murtagh list. Whatever the case, I LOVE my local Dallas shows and can't wait for the Fan Days in October.
This is a good article that really hits on some of the points I made - Why I Hated Comic Con
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