Thursday, January 26, 2012

In Defense of Android (Part 1)...

Let me start by saying that I am a Mac guy. I love Macs. I only use Windows at work and when I MUST at home (usually for work-related stuff). I have had many different iPods. Personally the 4th Generation iPod Nano is the best iPod ever. Currently I have a MacBook Pro (Suzie), an iMac (Amy) (best desktop machine I have ever owned), and an old G4 (Suzanne) I just can't bare to part with. I also have (between my wife and I) 2 iPads, 2 iPod Nanos, and an iPod Touch. I think iOS is a great operating system and it does what it does VERY well. There are some amazing apps, I loved my iPhone 3gs dearly, and I think the 4gs is an awesome device. I said all of that to say this...

I LOVE ANDROID! When my wife and I got married in March of 2011 I had to leave AT&T and go to Sprint. This was hard. Not that I was heartbroken to leave AT&T, though I do love having no frakking service. Ever. The hard part was I was giving up my iPhone (Gwen) (yes, all my Apples have names). I was crushed. I was saying goodbye to my beloved Gwen. I had anxiously awaited my upgrade so I could get an iPhone 4, and now I was having to walk away. I had been interested in Android for a bit and knew I wanted to get an Android phone. I did some research and my buddy @ErikH1981 suggested I get an EVO 4G. So I went to Best Buy and got my EVO. It was fun, but I still missed my iPhone. I began to explore the ins and outs of Android and became increasingly impressed with what it could do. Mainly I was impressed with how seamlessly everything integrated. I use just about every Google service available and Android being a Google OS worked out perfectly for me. My Gmail, Calendar, Tasks, and everything were there and worked out of the box. I had several issues getting everything to sync with my iPhone. I still carried Gwen around with me as an iPod Touch because I just could not cut the cord. I noticed I was using it less and less. I realized I had moved on when I went to check on something and I had let the battery run completely down. I was now an Android user.

About six months in to my Android experience, the unthinkable happened... my EVO crashed. I thought I had lost everything because I had never synced my EVO*. So I did a full system restore back to factory and prayed. I had all my data back and was able to re-download my apps from the Market**. I was amazed. The "cloud" sync worked wonderfully (much better than I have since seen with iCloud). Many months later, I had another crash and was not worried since the last crash recovered so well. Since I was going to have to go back to factory and "start over" anyway I took this opportunity to do what I had been considering doing for awhile: install a custom mod.

That's it for Part 1. Part 2 will cover my experience with an Android tablet, Cyanogen Mod, and where my Android voyage is headed next. \m/

*what I found to be a downside at first was lack of native sync with Mac for Android, or any phone that does not start with i.

**I greatly prefer to Amazon Apps Store over the Android Market

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