Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Once More, With Feeling...

Greetings, Programs! (Please don't sue for me using that, Disney)

This is the third launch of this blog. The first few attempts went great for a few weeks, but did not really go anywhere after that. This blog is nothing more than my need for a creative outlet. It is going to be all over the place. I am going to just share my thoughts on whatever strikes me. It may be work, personal, news, anything. My goal is to post around three times a week. At the very least once a week. Some posts (when I am too lazy to type anything) will be video posts. Please follow me on Twitter, Google+ or any of the other sites on the sidebar and subscribe to the feed by email or RSS. I will warn you, it can be redundant since most of my [not blog] posts go to all services but I do post specific things to specific sites. If you are looking for me on pretty much any site search for chrisevans17 and that's me*.

I have a few posts planned to give some background in to where I am coming from. Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

*YouTube username is cdevans. I opened it before I started trying to keep a universal "brand".

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