Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One month down, one to go...

Back in January, I started the Georges St. Pierre (@GeorgesStPierre) RUSHFIT (@GSPRushfit) program. It is very similar to P90X and Insanity. I knew I needed to get in shape. Not even back in shape as I have never really been in shape to begin with. I did some homework and found RUSHFIT to be the best fit for me (no pun intended). I do not find the trainer to be annoying like Tony Horton and the program seemed much more approachable than others of it kind. Also, I am a big UFC fan and was intrigued by GSP doing the workout. I have completed the first half of the beginner program. I followed the program as best I could with my crazy schedule. I may not have done every workout the day it said to, but I did every workout for the week. I finished all but one workout (I got overheated) and it has been a major challenge. I would like to talk about why I decided to do this.

It is kicking my fat butt!!!

I have always been a big guy. I did what most big guys do, I developed a good sense of humor. I made them laugh with me not at me. I also developed a rather self-deprecating sense of humor. Make fun of myself so they can't make fun of me. I have been like this for as long as I can remember. Back in 2007 I hit 320 lbs. It did not bother me at that point because I was in a really bad marriage and my weight was not something I really cared about. Shortly after my (now ex-)wife and I started divorce proceedings and I sunk in to a deep depression. This was the end of June. Around September a friend made mention of how much weight I had lost. I got on a scale and had lost over 40 lbs. in less than three months. My weight continued to fluctuate over the next several years. I had lost a total of 60 lbs. on "The Divorce Diet" but slowly gained most of it back.

Last year my son and I were playing and I was told that I was "too fat to be a Power Ranger." Now I know he did not mean it, but it hurt. So I started working out. I used the LoseIt app to track my calories in and out and did really well. Then life happened and I stopped working out and tracking my meals and such. I use the excuse that I had to get an Android phone and at the time there was no Android app, but I could have made it work. I made myself a promise the day I was dubbed "too fat to be a Power Ranger" that I would never break 300 lbs. again. I tracked my weight off and on and always made sure that stayed true, but was not really trying. I tried boxing right before my wife and I divorced and LOVED it. I was always a wrestling fan and boxing seemed to be a cool way to work out. I also am a huge UFC fan, which is what attracted me to Rushfit.

I am not sure what led me to get things going now. It's not a New Year's Resolution. I have been planning this for a few months and would have started back before the holidays but it was the holidays and we were travelling a lot, and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I joke that just in case the world ends in December this is my last chance to be in shape. I call it my "fat free apocalypse". I just finally found some motivation to make a change in my life. In the last month I have lost about 10 lbs and around 3 inches on my waist. I have a goal to reward myself when I hit 220 lbs. since that is 100 lbs. below my heaviest. I have since realized that I am building a good deal of muscle so I am not sure when I will reward myself. I will make that decision when the time comes. In the mean time I am going to keep plugging away and take my lead from Master Yoda...

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