Thursday, April 12, 2012

That is why you fail...

And by YOU I mean ME! I have failed...miserably. I was making such great progress and completed the Beginner program of RUSHFIT. I was all geared up for the Intermediate program and things have not gone in my favor in the least bit. It has been one thing after another.

I have fallen, but I WILL get up!!!

I am not really sure what has caused my apathy but it stops now. I am going to let he last few weeks go and start fresh. I lost my motivation, but I am determined to win my belt. I have come too far to quit now. What is important is where I go from here. Step one is recognizing that I have a problem. Step two is addressing the problem. So let us do that, shall we...

Excuse 1: I lost my momentum I took too long a break and got lazy.
Excuse 2: I am really sore from mowing the yard. Pity party, table for one.
Excuse 3: My yearbook is due I put this off and now I have to rush to meet my deadline.
Excuse 4: It's so late and I'm so tired I farted around all night and now it's time for bed and I have not worked out yet.
Excuse 5: I'd rather spend some quality time with my wife/kids. (I'm allowing this one and I don't think anyone will judge me for it)

These are only a few of the excuses I have had over the last several weeks for being lazy. So I am moving forward with renewed spirit and drive. Allons-y!!!

\m/ IS NOT TRY \m/

**none of the videos are very long and they really go with my points so take a few minutes out of your day and watch them. Thanks.

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